Troop 59, Recognized
Every year, Marin Council hosts a recognition dinner to honor Scouts and Scouters (adult leaders) who have exemplified scouting through hard work, devotion and dedication. This year, as in previous years, Troop 59 had a stellar showing.
Here’s how it stacked up for our troop: Bill Barton, former Troop 59 Scoutmaster and current President of the Marin Council made the opening comments and presented the unit volunteers of the year. Troop 59 Assistant Scoutmaster, Jeff Greendorfer, presided over the Venturing committee and presented the award for Venturer of the Year. Denise Miller, ASM, Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator and Fundraising Orchestrator was honored as Volunteer of the Year. Oliver Snow, Life Scout, was honored as Troop 59’s Boy Scout of the Year. Beth Bailey-Gates, ASM and Executive Committee member, was honored with the Award of Merit for her tireless contributions at the council and troop level. It’s a much deserved award for years of outstanding service. Our newest scout, William Pritchard was honored as the Cub Scout of the Year for Pack 59. Two more Troop 59 members were recognized by the Order of the Arrow as Arrowman of the Year: ASM Mark Otavka and Troop 59 Eagle Scout, ASM and OA Section Chief, Michael Swalberg.
It was a privilege to attend this Awards Recognition Dinner with the honorees from all the other council troops, packs and venture crews. The atmosphere was festive and jovial and the chicken dinner a thumbs up, too but the most significant take away is seeing how strong scouting is in Marin County.
We’re lucky to be part of a great organization with a long history and with so many dedicated scouters and scouts. Some of attendees have been in scouting as long as 65 years. Most started out as cub scouts and moved through eagle to then become adult leaders for their children and now their grandchildren. That’s the magic of boy scouts!